Release Notes: A new export setting for your accounting integration

Hello again!

We’ve been busy little bees as the year closes out. Last night we released an update to the integration export settings to allow for more flexibility in how you manage your exports from Shoeboxed.

But first, a quick recap. When you link your Shoeboxed account and accounting package up, you are asked to select between a manual or auto export schedule. In the manual setting, receipts are only be exported when you (manually) hit the Export button after adding accounting (GL) codes. The auto export schedule runs every two hours (on each even hour – 2pm, 4 pm etc) and picks up any receipts already coded and exports them to your accounting package without further intervention required on your part.

The feedback we got from you was that these settings worked for most, but not those of you we call ‘power users’. Power users wanted to be able to use the rules functionality within the Shoeboxed app to auto-code receipts as well as the auto export settings, but together, these two made it almost too automatic. They didn’t allow for a step in between these processes to either check that receipts had been submitted and coded with accounting codes correctly, or to export a batch of specific receipts at one go for example.

We listened to you…. and are excited to present…. *drum roll* the Advanced option for export schedule settings!
Screen Shot 2015-12-08With the Advanced option, you have the ability to use rules to auto-code and have receipts that are ready to be auto-exported. However, only receipts with *both* a GL code and the category ‘Ready to export’ will be picked up to be sent to the accounting software.

So please, have a go, and let us know how it works for you. We’re always eager to learn how we can better suit your needs.

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